Friday, March 19, 2010

Vote For Our Favorite Car Free Skeptic

Arlington County, Virginia is looking for its biggest Car-Free Diet Skeptics – people who drive their cars all the time now, but who are willing to give car-free living a shot.

FW&D has a favorite daughter in this competition and we would like for you to vote for Mary. Go to and click on MARY to cast your vote. You can vote once each day, now through March 31.Your votes will be combined with the judges’ scores to decide which applicants become the Skeptics. The chosen Skeptics will chronicle their car-free experiences on this website,, for 30 days – follow along starting April 22! Hopefully you’ll be following Mary and her commute to and from Fairlington.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Arlington Car Free Diet

The Car-Free Diet Skeptics Challenge is designed for Arlington County residents that currently drive their cars frequently, but are willing to attempt car-free living for 30 days. You do not have to go 100% car-free for the entire 30 days, but you do have to try. If you are chosen as one of the final Skeptics, you will communicate online about all of your transportation experiences during the 30-day challenge. You’ll be given several items to use during the challenge that will make going car free easier. And if you successfully complete the challenge, you’ll receive more car free related items. If you are already on the Car-Free Diet, but know a friend, neighbor, or family member who needs to go on the diet, be sure to tell them about this challenge.
How to apply
You’ll need to create a 30 second to 2 minute video that shows why you would make the perfect Car-Free Diet Skeptic and fill out an online application. Video applications are being accepted through February 28, 2010.

How are the Skeptics chosen?
From March 1 – 31, 2010, all eligible entries will appear on During this time you can vote online for your favorite Skeptic candidate. At the end of the voting period, two Skeptics will be chosen to go on the Car-Free Diet for 30 days beginning April 22.

Skeptics Challenge
The chosen Skeptics will document their challenge online via videos, blogs, Tweets, and Facebook entries. If the Skeptics successfully complete the challenge, they’ll get everything needed to travel car free around Arlington and the Washington, DC region for a whole year.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

FW&D Receives EPA Certification

FW&D LLC Remodeling Services received the following message from the EPA.

As an EPA Lead-Safe Certified Firm, if you choose, you are now authorized to use and display the attached custom logo with your certification number.
The Lead-Safe Certified Firm Logo identifies a firm as certified under the Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) Rule.