Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Starting 2011 Safely

The security of the home is something that is very important to us here at FW&D, and New Years is a great time to get more involved in educating our friends in Northern Virginia about the many choices and tips available for increasing home safety. When you leave for work, play, or extended vacation, you should be able to do so with absolutely no worries whatsoever.

Here is an inexpensive option for your consideration:
This is known as a security bar. In conjunction with other devices, and a little common sense, you can increase safety and peace of mind for your entryways.

Internet sleuthing for home security resulted in a printable Home Security Checklist from a Security Bar Company. Here are some of the questions listed under "DOORS":
  1. Have you re-keyed your locks since you moved in?
  2. Do your doors have a wide-angle peephole viewer?
  3. Are entrance doors equipped with 1” good quality dead bolts?
  4. Is glass in outside doors at least 40” from the lock?
  5. Is the glass in outside doors shatter resistant?
  6. Do you have a patio door bar fastened into both the frame and the door to securely lock the door?
  7. Have you inserted screws into the top track of your patio door to prevent it from being lifted up and removed?
  8. Do you have decals on your patio door indicating that you use an alarm system even if you don’t?
For the full list, please click here. You may want to review some of these questions when considering door safety.

FW&D is committed to the safety of our clients and our neighborhood. Should you have any questions about safety for our doors, any of the products we offer, feel free to contact our office, and we will be more than happy to go over that information with you.

This blog article is from FW&D.
Call us at 703-933-8900
or click here to visit our site and learn more about us!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

FW&D lists top 50 on Facebook's Networked Blogs in Arlington

Perhaps, in the slow hours between your remodeling projects, you have a blog. Perhaps you want that blog to get exposure so that it can advertise your company. And perhaps you post it on Facebook so that your friends and clients may more easily find it. 

Well, Facebook has a freeture (see definition below) available to those who take the time to get on board and use it. For those of us who have succumbed to peer pressure and created a Facebook account, we have the option to Network our blogs through the Networked Blogs App.

FW&D did just that. And unbeknownst to us, we became FAMOUS... well, sort of. 
You never know what you are going to find on Facebook. 

Freeture [free-cher]  
noun, verb, -tured, -tur·ing.- a feature that you may have access to for no monetary charge. 
Word Origin: About 2 minutes ago by Tiffany Monique

This blog article is from FW&D.

We do Kitchen RemodelingBathroomsRoofingDoors, and more.
Click here to visit our site and learn more about us!
Or call us at 703-933-8900.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Dashing through the snow... with FW&D...

FW&D was out in Arlington on a Replacement window project yesterday.

We started work as usual.

By the time we finished installing 11 Excalibur Double Hung Windows for our client in their idyllic Arlington neighborhood, the snow had finished falling as well.
Working during the first snow of the season was well, COLD!
But beautiful.

This blog article is from FW&D.

Click here to visit our site and learn more about us!
Or call us at 703-933-8900.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Santa Claus is coming to town...

Tis' the season for heavy coats, warm drinks, lit fireplaces, Christmas Trees and of course, SANTA!

FW&D spent some time with the jolly man in red, singing carols, taking pictures, and bringing huge grins to ecstatic children (and those still young at heart).

Perhaps he needed to perform a last minute check on our local traffic patterns prior to the big night. Nevertheless, Santa took time out of his busy December schedule to come to Northern Virginia, and FW&D was there to greet him and show him around.

Some of our friends were surprised to see him so far South this close to Christmas, but Santa was confident that things were well in order for the deliveries he would soon be making.

FW&D would like to wish you all the Merriest of Merry Christmases and the Happiest of Happy New Years!

This blog article is from FW&D
Click here to visit our site and learn more about us! 
Or call us at 703-933-8900.